La receta – Aderezo de ricotta y soya

Hace mucho que nohablamos de comida en el blog y como la cocina va a estar muy presente en mi vida en unos meses mas, toquemos base de nuevo con la seccion de recetas!

I haven’t talked about food in a while, and since cooking is going to be very present in my life a few months from now, lets touch base with the recipe section again!

 e2 cuarto la receta Ades - aderezo Ricotta

Prepare un aderezo muy nutritivo y bajo en grasa para su próxima reunión familiar o con amigos. Sólo le tomará quince minutos hacer esta receta, que solamente tiene 86 calorías por cada tres cucharadas. Va perfecta acompañada con verduras crudas como tronquitos de zanahoria, pepino, calabacita, espárrago y palitos de pan integral.

Prepare a nutritious and low-fat dressing for your next family reunion or friends. It only takes fifteen minutes to make this recipe, which has only 86 calories per serving (three tablespoons). It goes perfect served with chunks of raw vegetables such as carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, asparagus and bread sticks.

Continue reading “La receta – Aderezo de ricotta y soya”

Café Nougat con Nespresso

e2 mi receta CAFê NOUGAT

Warm coffee for the cold Winter / Café caliente para el frío

Enjoy a wonderful evening with your loved ones with a special cup of coffee as an excellent excuse to celebrate the holidays. There’s nothing better than a Cafe Nougat: espresso with milk and sweet nougat.

Disfrute de una agradable tarde de café con sus seres queridos como un excelente pretexto para celebrar la época decembrina. Nada mejor que un Café Nougat: expreso cortado con leche y dulce turrón.

Continue reading “Café Nougat con Nespresso”

Recipes: Rhubarb pie

will try to make this for my mom (and myself, of course) this Christmas… or as soon as she comes to visit me in SF.

maren ellingboe

Terribly sorry, everyone. I have been dreadful about posting over the last couple of weeks due to a trip home and a computer being upgraded. I also seem to have contracted a penchant for writing rather like a 19th-century Englishwoman, which may or may not be due to the fact that I have reread all of my favorite Jane Austen novels over the last several weeks.

Anyways, my love for Emma and Pride and Prejudice is not why you are here. My trip home was rather a whirlwind, mostly spent with family and much of it spent in the car on the five-hour drive to Iowa (which was quite pretty, actually). However, I did manage to take a few pictures of my grandma Nancy’s famous rhubarb cream pie, homemade the day of my arrival by my mom. I can thus claim no credit for this recipe, but I do hope…

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Recipes: Avocado with mangos and couscous

this looks delicious! I’m making this this week 🙂 I only need to go buy avocados 😀

nade in the kitchen

It was a quite tiring day for me. When I came home, I had no idea what to cook and was not really motivated to even cook something. Am I reading your mind? Here’s the solution: Don’t cook. Make some awesomely filled avocados instead.

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Recipe: Mexican chicken soup!

Salt, sugar and pepper shakers.
Salt, sugar and pepper shakers. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

One of my friends asked me to post my adventures in my small, San Francisco kitchen, so I’ll share with you my biggest accomplishment so far: Mexican chicken soup! It sounds great with Cinco de Mayo coming up and it’s a great hungover remedy. 😉

It’s actually very easy to make, but it is such a ritual back home, that I felt a little overwhelmed. It takes a little more than an hour to cook, so I chose to make the chicken stock the day before. (My boyfriend kept asking, “How many days ’til your soup is ready? I’m hungry!”)

I made it for us two, but the chicken breasts were so big my neighbor was invited to feast with us and I still have a Tupperware full of chicken soup leftovers. These are the ingredients:

* 2 pieces of chicken, preferably thighs and breasts

* a liter of water

* 8 small potatoes, in chunks (you can use regular potatoes, but they take longer to cook)

* 1 Mexican squash, in chunks

* 2 Roma tomatoes, in chunks

* 2 carrots, sliced

* 2 sticks of celery

* 1 cube of chicken condiment (I used a pack of fried rice condiment and it was super yummy!)

* salt and pepper as needed

* minced garlic

* 1/2 avocado

Put both chicken pieces on a pot with enough water to cover them (it should be about a liter) and set to boil until chicken is thoroughly cooked. Once boiled, take them out of the water, let them cool and then shred them. Place back in hot water and add the vegetables that would take more time to cook, like the potatoes, the squash and the carrots. Add chicken condiment, garlic, pepper and salt and stir. When the potatoes are almost ready, add the tomatoes and celery and keep adding salt and pepper until it has the desired flavor.

Serve right away with two slices of avocado on top. Feel free to add lemon, salsa, chipotle or crushed red pepper. You can accompany the soup with warm bread or tostadas. Enjoy! Yum yum!
